- Preparing for work
Creating a job application
Job applications usually include a cover letter, addressing the key selection criteria for the job, and a resume, a document that summarises your knowledge, skills, and experiences.
- Preparing for work
- On the job
Employment support services
Many employers are committed to providing inclusive workplaces that enable employees to thrive. Employment support services can often help you apply for a job, so don't hesitate to ask for help.
- On the job
- Preparing for work
Disclosure in the workplace
Disclosure is a highly individual choice that can be influenced by many factors. This article outlines some reasons for and against disclosure and provides links to additional resources.
- Preparing for work
- Extracurricular training
Preparing for work experience and internships
Good preparation, before commencing work experience or internship, can it run smoothly, and reduce some of the anxiety that you might feel.
- Preparing for work
- Extracurricular training
Undertaking work experience and internships
Work experience and internship placements can be an exciting way to find out what you like (or dislike) about a job before you commit to pursuing it further.