- On the job
Workplace communication
All jobs require you to have some form of communication with other people. Even if you work independently, it’s still likely that you will need to report to a manager, or interact with clients.
- On the job
Understanding soft skills
‘Soft skills’, or employability skills, are personal attributes that you can apply to a variety of job and life situations. This article provides examples of soft skills and some guidance about developing these skills.
- On the job
Mistreatment in the workplace
There are laws to protect people from mistreatment in the workplace. In the workplace, you have a right to be kept safe.
- Preparing for work
Preparing for a job interview
A job interview means the employer wants to get to know you, but its also a good opportunity for you to find out more about the job and the organisation or company.
- On the job
- Preparing for work
Preparing for your first day of work
Starting a new job may cause some people to feel a little bit of anxiety and (hopefully) a lot of excitement. Below is a list of steps that might help you get prepared for your first day at the workplace, and might settle some of those nerves.