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If you're just getting started, make sure you've read our article on getting started.

Frequently asked questions

What is myWAY Employability?

myWAY Employability (myWAY for short) is designed for and with the autistic community, to help people (from 14 years old) plan and prepare for working life.

We call our users career explorers, because we recognise that finding a career path is a journey. Using myWAY, career explorers will be guided through a series of questions to help them identify their strengths, interests, learning and sensory preferences. This information is then matched to potentially relevant careers and employment pathways.

We also provide scaffolded goal setting to support active progress towards a successful career.

myWAY offers team collaboration for all types of supporting users, including service providers, employers, and teachers.

How do I access the Profile quizzes?

The "About Me" Profile quizzes (Career Exploration, Strengths, Sensory Preferences, Learning Preferences and Life Skills) are available for myWAY users registered as Career Explorers only. If you are a Supporter (e.g., Employment Specialist, Support Worker or Allied Health Professional) and would like to use myWAY with your participant - register as a Supporter and invite your participant to myWAY. Once they have registered as a Career Explorer, they will be able to access the "About Me" quizzes on their myWAY Dashboard.

Is myWAY free?

Of course! Access is completely free and always will be for career explorers.

How can I best support someone using myWAY?

Getting familiar with myWAY is a great start. Here are our five evidence-based principles to support transition planning:

  • Encouragement to dream big: have high expectations and always be strengths-based.
  • Start transition planning early: in Year 9 or as soon as possible after that.
  • Promote youth-centred planning: the career explorer should be an active participant, and work towards leading their own transition.
  • Focus on the ‘big picture’: promote understanding of what life after school will be like through real life experiences, e.g., work experience, mentoring or volunteering.
  • Have a champion on the team: a champion is someone who is passionate and enthusiastic, and provides new opportunities and information to support transition planning.

Do you share my data with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), or any other government agency?

We do not share personally identifiable information with the NDIA or any other government agency, though we often share anonymised combined data as part of regular reporting, such as locations (postcodes) to report on myWAY’s reach across Australia.

I’m looking for work - do you have a list of endorsed employers that can provide work experience or jobs?

While we aren’t a service provider, we do have goal templates available to help you take steps towards finding work experience or a job.

I thought you should refer to a person then the disability - as in “person with autism”; but you say autistic person. Has this practice changed?

We realise that this preference is deeply personal, and don’t consider either to be right or wrong. The term autistic person indicates a belief that being autistic is a core part of the person’s identity, and we follow that format because the majority of our users indicated this preference.

myWAY is an initiative of Autism CRC so for more information on this, please see our statement on language choice.  

I’m an employment consultant/ career practitioner/ specialist. Is there a way I can provide sector specific feedback?

Yes! You sound like the right kind of person for our Professional User Group. By taking part, you can help co-design any future updates on myWAY Employability to enhance our service delivery offering. Register your interest here.

Help! My career explorer keeps changing their mind!

Making a career pathway choice is a big decision, and preferences and interests can change over time. We encourage users to revisit their profile at least every 6 months, and re-answer any questions they feel have changed. It’s also completely fine to explore multiple goals at the same time  - after all, not every career path is a straight line!

How do I see my child’s profile?

As myWAY is designed for users aged 14 years and up, they will need to invite you as a member of their support team to access their profile.

Do I need a formal diagnosis of autism to access?

Not at all! While myWAY has been designed for the autistic community, it can be used by anyone to help plan a career.

Where is myWAY’s data stored?

We host myWAY within Australia in a secure data centre and meet the following standards:

  • Centre for Internet Security (CIS) Amazon Web Services (AWS) Foundations Benchmark v1.2.0
  • AWS Foundational Security Best Practices V1.0.0.

We understand that some schools and organisations require further information to facilitate usage. Please contact us if you need help with this process.

Still have questions?

For any further questions, feedback or further support please contact us via our contact us form or at and we'll assist you.



myWAY Employability is an initiative of Autism CRC, the independent national source of evidence for best practice in relation to autism.

myWAY Employability was developed with funding from the Australian Government.

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land, ​​and pay respects to Elders past and present.

We celebrate diversity and welcome people of all ability, age, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or citizenship.

© Copyright 2025 Autism CRC. All rights reserved.